5 Transformative Lessons from Dr. Emily Morse That Evolved My View on Sexuality

Jen Engevik
The Authentic Rebel
3 min readMar 7, 2024


Attending The Authentic Rebel Speaker Series recently, I had the profound experience of listening to Dr. Emily Morse, a leading voice in the realm of human sexuality. As someone deeply interested in understanding the complexities of sexual wellness and communication, hearing Emily speak was both enlightening and empowering. Below, I share five transformative lessons gleaned from her talk and her seminal work, “Hot Sex: Over 200 Things You Can Try Tonight!”, which have significantly shifted my perspective on sexuality.

1. The Art of Communication is Your Best Friend in Intimacy

Emily Morse champions open and honest communication as the cornerstone of healthy sexual relationships. She underscored the importance of being able to express desires, boundaries, and concerns with partners, as well as the necessity of listening. This dialogue creates a safe space for exploration and connection, teaching me that true intimacy begins with vulnerability and trust.

2. Knowledge Destroys Taboos

One of Emily’s most compelling points was how education can dismantle the taboos surrounding sex. Growing up in a society where sex is often shrouded in secrecy and shame, her approach was refreshing. By advocating for informed conversations about sex, Emily encourages a shift from ignorance to empowerment, reminding me that understanding our bodies and desires is a crucial step toward a fulfilling sex life.

3. Curiosity Leads to Greater Pleasure

“Exploration is essential,” Emily professed, encouraging a mindset of curiosity within the realms of consent and comfort. Her perspective taught me that experimenting with new ideas, positions, and fantasies is not only healthy but necessary for discovering what brings us pleasure. Her book, filled with actionable suggestions, serves as a guide to expanding one’s sexual horizons in a safe and exciting way.

4. Prioritizing Pleasure is a Radical Act of Self-Love

In a revelation that struck me deeply, Emily spoke of pleasure as a vital component of overall well-being, not just a trivial or indulgent afterthought. This lesson was a call to action to prioritize my own pleasure, recognizing it as an integral part of my health and happiness. Emily’s work serves as a reminder that seeking pleasure is a profound act of self-love and self-care.

5. Sexuality is a Journey, Not a Destination

Finally, Emily Morse’s insights reinforced the idea that sexuality is a fluid and evolving aspect of our identity. There is no “final form” or end goal, but rather an ongoing process of discovery, acceptance, and growth. This has encouraged me to be more patient and compassionate with myself and others as we navigate our unique sexual journeys.

For anyone on a quest for deeper sexual fulfillment and connection, I wholeheartedly recommend exploring Emily Morse’s work. Whether it’s tuning into her podcast, “Sex With Emily,” attending her talks, or diving into her book, there’s a wealth of wisdom to uncover. Emily Morse has gifted me a new lens through which to view sexuality, one that I hope more people will have the opportunity to experience.



Jen Engevik
The Authentic Rebel

I'm a writer, lover of life, Curious George in human form - love to share ideas, inspire others, offer hope and kindness and seize the day.